Applying the SAFE strategy, Will offers motivational messages, keynotes, training and coaching for athletes, students, and organizations.  He helps them to: find, focus, fuel and forge the Will2Win mindset.


In all aspects of their daily experience, we know students deserve to feel affirmed, validated and nurtured in SAFE spaces that feel welcoming.  Students and staff journey with Will as we take a hard look diversity, equity and inclusion with attention to justice and equality. This message prepares for the development of attitudes and behaviours that open spaces for all students fully meet their individual potential, contribute to community, and pursue wellness.  (60-75 minutes in-person or via Zoom)

Middle School  “BRAVO”

Build Relationships and Value Others: a thought-provoking, interactive, action-packed ride for kids in that ‘tween’ stage. Applying the SAFE Strategy, students learn how to address and interrupt racialized language, stereotyping and all forms of bullying that create un–SAFE Spaces by building the resilience needed to manage the perpetual ups and downs of middle school.  (60-75 minutes in-person or via Zoom)


it’s never too early to begin making deep and lasting impressions. Applying the SAFE Strategy, Students laugh and wiggle there way to understanding the importance of a good first impression and that we are all worthy of friendship no matter how we look. (30 minutes in-person)